Our Impact work supports PE firms and corporations focused on investments in impact related industries such as sustainability (e.g., renewable energy, agriculture, zero waste management, etc.), education, workforce development, etc. We offer services to support commercial due diligence, portfolio/company strategy, and dual mandates.
Recent Impact projects include (for details on GRAPH diligence exercises that are covered by PitchBook, click on the PitchBook icons below to view deal details):
Sustainability/Renewable Energy
- Advanced energy management solutions (smart meters)
- Community solar
- Energy services consulting industry
- ESG reporting software and services
- Renewable asset performance management software
- Solar renewable energy credits (SRECs)
- Utility-scale infrastructure
- Utility-scale solar construction services
- Utility-scale solar electrical balance of systems
- Utility-scale solar engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC)
- Utility-scale solar foundation systems
- Essential ingredients
- Irrigation systems
- Vertical farming
Circular Economy
- Recycled glass cullet
- Roadway tire recycling
- Vertically integrated waste management
- College and career readiness support strategies
- English language learners (ELL)
- English second language (ESL) delivery methods
- Higher education data and consulting services
- Higher education training and development program
- High school science curriculum
- K-12 and higher education research resources
- K-12 digital engagement tools
- K-12 education curriculum support
- K-12 textbooks & curriculum
- Library book subscription services
- School bus safety
- Specialty channel book publishing distribution services
- Workforce development and management
Workforce Development
- Develop-and-deploy talent marketplace (for DEI and other workforce acceleration goals)
- Field service management
- Labor market data
- Project management training