A wide range of potential disruptors are top of mind for investors when diligencing a target company. Whether disruption could be caused by digitization, cyclicality, new competitors entering the market, environmental changes, or any number of other factors, uncovering the risk and planning for it during the diligence window is critical. This collection of GRAPH Papers® includes articles about a variety of disruptors and how to address them during your Commercial Due Diligence.
Topic: Disruptors
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- Addressable Market
- Adoption
- Adoption Inhibitors
- Available Market Size
- Barriers to Entry
- Best Practices
- Brand Equity
- Bundling
- Business Model
- Buyer Power
- Channel
- Competition
- Competitive Position
- Consolidation
- Cross-selling
- Customer Behavior
- Customer Loyalty
- Customer Research
- Customer Segmentation
- Cyclicality
- Demand Drivers
- Diligence Best Practice
- Diligence Planning
- Disruptors
- Distressed (assets, debts, equity)
- Drivers and Strength of Demand
- Drivers of Choice
- Economic Cycle
- Economies of Scale
- Exit Multiple
- Fragmentation
- Globalization
- Growth
- Growth Rates
- Important (and growing) Customer Use Cases
- Improve Pricing Management and Strategy
- Industrials
- Investigative Research
- Investment Thesis Development
- Market Conditions
- Market Definition
- Market Share
- Market Share Capture
- Market Size
- Market Sizing
- Multiple Expansion
- New Entrants
- Organic Growth Tactics
- Platform Strategy
- Price
- Price Sensitivity
- Product Strategy
- Profit Margin
- Purchasing Decisions
- Purchasing Drivers
- Purchasing Process
- Raison d’etre
- Resilience of Pricing Model
- Resilience of the Business
- Stimulating Switching
- Switching Costs
- Threat of Low Cost Imports
- Underserved Needs
- Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
- Untapped (i.e., hidden) Value
- Value Development/Generation
- Value Generation
- Value Proposition